1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Numbers 14:22
Because all these men, having seen my glory and the signs which I have done in Egypt and in the waste land, still have put me to the test ten times, and have not given ear to my voice;


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Numbers 14:22
Because all these men, having seen my glory and the signs which I have done in Egypt and in the waste land, still have put me to the test ten times, and have not given ear to my voice;


Numbers 14:20
And the Lord said, I have had mercy, as you say:

Numbers 14:21
But truly, as I am living, and as all the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord;

Numbers 14:22
Because all these men, having seen my glory and the signs which I have done in Egypt and in the waste land, still have put me to the test ten times, and have not given ear to my voice;

Numbers 14:23
They will not see the land about which I made an oath to their fathers; not one of these by whom I have not been honoured will see it.

Numbers 14:27
How long am I to put up with this evil people and their outcries against me? The words which they say against me have come to my ears.

Numbers 14:28
Say to them, By my life, says the Lord, as certainly as your words have come to my ears, so certainly will I do this to you:

Numbers 14:29
Your dead bodies will be stretched out in this waste land; and of all your number, all those of twenty years old and over who have been crying out against me,

Numbers 14:30
Not one will come into the land which I gave my word you would have for your resting-place, but only Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun.

Hebrews 3:17
And with whom was he angry for forty years? was it not with those who did evil, who came to their deaths in the waste land?

Hebrews 3:18
And to whom did he make an oath that they might not come into his rest? was it not to those who went against his orders?

Hebrews 3:19
So we see that they were not able to go in because they had no belief.

Deuteronomy 1:34
And the Lord, hearing your words, was angry, and said with an oath,

Deuteronomy 1:35
Truly, not one of this evil generation will see that good land which I said I would give to your fathers,

Numbers 14:11
And the Lord said to Moses, How long will this people have no respect for me? how long will they be without faith, in the face of all the signs I have done among them?

Psalms 106:25
Talking against him secretly in their tents, they did not give ear to the voice of the Lord.

Jude 1:5
Now it is my purpose to put you in mind, though you once had knowledge of all these things, of how the Lord, having taken a people safely out of Egypt, later sent destruction on those who had no faith;


Numbers 14:24
But my servant Caleb, because he had a different spirit in him, and has been true to me with all his heart, him I will take into that land into which he went, and his seed will have it for their heritage.

Numbers 14:25
Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites are in the valley; tomorrow, turning round, go into the waste land by the way to the Red Sea.

Numbers 14:26
Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,

Numbers 14:31
And your little ones, whom you said would come into strange hands, I will take in, and they will see the land which you would not have.

Numbers 14:32
But as for you, your dead bodies will be stretched in this waste land.

Numbers 14:33
And your children will be wanderers in the waste land for forty years, undergoing punishment for your false ways, till your bodies become dust in the waste land.

Numbers 14:34
And as you went through the land viewing it for forty days, so for forty years, a year for every day, you will undergo punishment for your wrongdoing, and you will see that I am against you.

Numbers 14:35
I the Lord have said it, and this I will certainly do to all this evil people who have come together against me: in this waste land destruction will come on them, and death will be their fate.

Numbers 32:10
And at that time the Lord was moved to wrath, and made an oath, saying,

Numbers 32:11
Truly, not one of the men of twenty years old and over who came out of Egypt will see the land which I gave by oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; because they have not been true to me with all their heart;

Numbers 32:12
But only Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua, the son of Nun: because they have been true to the Lord.

Numbers 32:13
Then the Lord was angry with Israel, and he made them wanderers in the waste land for forty years? till all that generation who had done evil in the eyes of the Lord was dead.

Deuteronomy 1:31
And in the waste land, where you have seen how the Lord was supporting you, as a man does his son, in all your journeying till you came to this place.

Psalms 106:26
So he made an oath against them, to put an end to them in the waste land:

Ezekiel 20:36
As I took up the cause with your fathers in the waste land of the land of Egypt, so will I take up the cause with you says the Lord.


Genesis 31:7
But your father has not kept faith with me, and ten times he has made changes in my payment; but God has kept him from doing me damage.

Job 19:3
Ten times now you have made sport of me; it gives you no sense of shame to do me wrong.

Nehemiah 4:12
And it came about that when the Jews who were living near them came, they said to us ten times, From all directions they are coming against us.

Genesis 31:41
These twenty years I have been in your house; I was your servant for fourteen years because of your daughters, and for six years I kept your flock, and ten times was my payment changed.

Leviticus 26:26
When I take away your bread of life, ten women will be cooking bread in one oven, and your bread will be measured out by weight; you will have food but never enough.

Zechariah 8:23
This is what the Lord of armies has said: In those days, ten men from all the languages of the nations will put out their hands and take a grip of the skirt of him who is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for it has come to our ears that God is with you.

Daniel 1:20
And in any business needing wisdom and good sense, about which the king put questions to them, he saw that they were ten times better than all the wonder-workers and users of secret arts in all his kingdom.

1 Samuel 1:8
Then her husband Elkanah said to her, Hannah, why are you weeping? and why are you taking no food? why is your heart troubled? am I not more to you than ten sons?


Psalms 95:7
For he is our God; and we are the people to whom he gives food, and the sheep of his flock. Today, if you would only give ear to his voice!

Psalms 95:8
Let not your hearts be hard, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the waste land;

Psalms 95:9
When your fathers put me to the test and saw my power and my work.

Psalms 95:10
For forty years I was angry with this generation, and said, They are a people whose hearts are turned away from me, for they have no knowledge of my ways;

Psalms 95:11
And I made an oath in my wrath, that they might not come into my place of rest.

Hebrews 3:7
And so, as the Holy Spirit says, Today if you let his voice come to your ears,

Hebrews 3:8
Be not hard of heart, as when you made me angry, on the day of testing in the waste land,

Hebrews 3:9
When your fathers put me to the test, and saw my works for forty years.

Hebrews 3:10
So that I was angry with this generation, and I said, Their hearts are in error at all times, and they have no knowledge of my ways;

Hebrews 3:11
And being angry I made an oath, saying, They may not come into my rest.

Numbers 20:13
These are the waters of Meribah; because the children of Israel went against the Lord, and they saw that he was holy among them.

Hebrews 3:15
As it is said, Today if you will let his voice come to your ears, be not hard of heart, as when you made him angry.


Deuteronomy 6:16
Do not put the Lord your God to the test as you did in Massah.

1 Corinthians 10:9
And let us not put the Lord to the test, as some of them did, and came to their death by snakes.

Psalms 78:40
How frequently did they go against him in the waste land, and give him cause for grief in the dry places!

Psalms 78:41
Again they put God to the test, and gave pain to the Holy One of Israel.

Psalms 106:14
They gave way to their evil desires in the waste land, and put God to the test in the dry places.

Exodus 17:7
And he gave that place the name Massah and Meribah, because the children of Israel were angry, and because they put the Lord to the test, saying, Is the Lord with us or not?

Psalms 78:18
Testing God in their hearts, requesting meat for their desire.

Psalms 78:19
They said bitter words against God, saying, Is God able to make ready a table in the waste land?

Psalms 78:20
See, the rock was cut open by his power, so that the water came rushing out, and overflowing streams; is he able to give us bread? is he able to get meat for his people?

Psalms 78:56
But they were bitter against the Most High God, testing him, and not keeping his laws;

Matthew 4:7
Jesus said to him, Again it is in the Writings, You may not put the Lord your God to the test.

Malachi 3:15
And now to us the men of pride seem happy; yes, the evil-doers are doing well; they put God to the test and are safe.

Acts 5:9
But Peter said to her, Why have you made an agreement together to be false to the Spirit of the Lord? See, the feet of the young men who have put the body of your husband in the earth, are at the door, and they will take you out.


Exodus 17:2
So the people were angry with Moses, and said, Give us water for drinking. And Moses said, Why are you angry with me? and why do you put God to the test?

Exodus 17:3
And the people were in great need of water; and they made an outcry against Moses, and said, Why have you taken us out of Egypt to send death on us and our children and our cattle through need of water?

Exodus 14:11
And they said to Moses, Was there no resting-place for the dead in Egypt, that you have taken us away to come to our death in the waste land? why have you taken us out of Egypt?

Exodus 15:23
And when they came to Marah, the water was no good for drinking, for the waters of Marah were bitter, which is why it was named Marah.

Exodus 15:24
And the people, crying out against Moses, said, What are we to have for drink?

Numbers 11:4
And the mixed band of people who went with them were overcome by desire: and the children of Israel, weeping again, said, Who will give us flesh for our food?

Numbers 11:5
Sweet is the memory of the fish we had in Egypt for nothing, and the fruit and green plants of every sort, sharp and pleasing to the taste:

Exodus 16:2
And all the children of Israel were crying out against Moses and Aaron in the waste land:

Numbers 14:1
Then all the people gave load cries of grief, and all that night they gave themselves up to weeping.

Numbers 21:5
And crying out against God and against Moses, they said, Why have you taken us out of Egypt to come to our death in the waste land? For there is no bread and no water, and this poor bread is disgusting to us.


Numbers 14:13
And Moses said to the Lord, Then it will come to the ears of the Egyptians; for by your power you took this people out from among them;

Numbers 14:14
And they will give the news to the people of this land: they have had word that you, Lord, are present with this people, letting yourself be seen face to face, and that your cloud is resting over them, and that you go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.

Numbers 14:15
Now if you put to death all this people as one man, then the nations who have had word of your glory will say,

Numbers 14:16
Because the Lord was not able to take this people into the land which he made an oath to give them, he sent destruction on them in the waste land.

Numbers 14:17
So now, may my prayer come before you, and let the power of the Lord be great, as you said:

Numbers 14:18
The Lord is slow to wrath and great in mercy, overlooking wrongdoing and evil, and will not let wrongdoers go free; sending punishment on children for the sins of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation.

Numbers 14:19
May the sin of this people have forgiveness, in the measure of your great mercy, as you have had mercy on them from Egypt up till now.

Exodus 32:12
Why let the Egyptians say, He took them out to an evil fate, to put them to death on the mountains, cutting them off from the earth? Let your wrath be turned away from them, and send not this evil on your people.


Exodus 16:7
And in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord; for your angry words against the Lord have come to his ears: and what are we that you are crying out against us?

Exodus 16:10
And while Aaron was talking to the children of Israel, their eyes were turned in the direction of the waste land, and they saw the glory of the Lord shining in the cloud.

Exodus 24:16
And the glory of the Lord was resting on Mount Sinai, and the cloud was over it for six days; and on the seventh day he said Moses' name out of the cloud.

Exodus 33:18
And Moses said, O Lord, let me see your glory.

Exodus 33:22
And when my glory goes by, I will put you in a hole in the rock, covering you with my hand till I have gone past:

Exodus 40:34
Then the cloud came down covering the Tent of meeting, and the House was full of the glory of the Lord;

Leviticus 9:6
And Moses said, This is what the Lord has said you are to do; and you will see the glory of the Lord.

Numbers 14:10
But all the people said they were to be stoned. Then the glory of the Lord was seen in the Tent of meeting, before the eyes of all the children of Israel.


Numbers 26:65
For the Lord had said of them, Death will certainly overtake them in the waste land. And of them all, only Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun, were still living.

Deuteronomy 2:14
Thirty-eight years had gone by from the time when we came away from Kadesh-barnea till we went over the stream Zered; by that time all the generation of the men of war among us were dead, as the Lord had said.

Deuteronomy 2:15
For the hand of the Lord was against them, working their destruction, till all were dead.

Deuteronomy 2:16
So when death had overtaken all the men of war among the people,

Joshua 14:9
And on that day Moses took an oath, saying, Truly the land where your feet have been placed will become a heritage for you and your children for ever, because you have been true to the Lord your God with all your heart.

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