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Genesis 31:1
Now it came to the ears of Jacob that Laban's sons were saying, Jacob has taken away all our father's property, and in this way he has got all this wealth.


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Genesis 31:1
Now it came to the ears of Jacob that Laban's sons were saying, Jacob has taken away all our father's property, and in this way he has got all this wealth.


Psalms 49:16
Have no fear when wealth comes to a man, and the glory of his house is increased;

Psalms 49:17
For at his death, he will take nothing away; his glory will not go down after him.

Esther 5:11
And he gave them an account of the glories of his wealth, and the number of children he had, and the ways in which he had been honoured by the king, and how he had put him over the captains and servants of the king.

Job 31:24
If I made gold my hope, or if I ever said to the best gold, I have put my faith in you;

Job 31:25
If I was glad because my wealth was great, and because my hand had got together a great store;

Isaiah 10:3
And what will you do in the day of punishment, and in the destruction which is coming from far? to whom will you go for help, and what will become of your glory?

Jeremiah 9:23
This is the word of the Lord: Let not the wise man take pride in his wisdom, or the strong man in his strength, or the man of wealth in his wealth:

Nahum 2:9
Take silver, take gold; for there is no end to the store; take for yourselves a weight of things to be desired.

Mark 10:24
And the disciples were full of wonder at his words. But Jesus said to them again, Children, how hard it is for those who put faith in wealth to come into the kingdom of God!

Genesis 45:13
Give my father word of all my glory in Egypt and of all you have seen; and come back quickly with my father.

Psalms 49:6
Even of those whose faith is in their wealth, and whose hearts are lifted up because of their stores.

Isaiah 5:14
For this cause the underworld has made wide its throat, opening its mouth without limit: and her glory, and the noise of her masses, and her loud-voiced feasters, will go down into it.

Daniel 4:30
The king made answer and said, Is this not great Babylon, which I have made for the living-place of kings, by the strength of my power and for the glory of my honour?

1 Timothy 6:17
Give orders to those who have money and goods in this life, not to be lifted up in their minds, or to put their hope in the uncertain chances of wealth, but in God who gives us in full measure all things for our use;


Genesis 31:2
And Jacob saw that Laban's feeling for him was no longer what it had been before.

Genesis 31:3
Then the Lord said to Jacob, Go back to the land of your fathers, and to your relations, and I will be with you.

Genesis 30:25
Now after the birth of Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Let me go away to my place and my country.


Genesis 31:8
If he said, All those in the flock which have marks are to be yours, then all the flock gave birth to marked young; and if he said, All the banded ones are to be yours, then all the flock had banded young.

Genesis 31:9
So God has taken away your father's cattle and has given them to me.

Genesis 31:16
For the wealth which God has taken from him is ours and our children's; so now, whatever God has said to you, do.

Ecclesiastes 4:4
And I saw that the cause of all the work and of everything which is done well was man's envy of his neighbour. This again is to no purpose and a desire for wind.

Genesis 30:1
Now Rachel, because she had no children, was full of envy of her sister; and she said to Jacob, If you do not give me children I will not go on living.

Genesis 30:35
So that day he took all the he-goats which were banded or coloured, and all the she-goats which were marked or coloured or had white marks, and all the black sheep, and gave them into the care of his sons;

Genesis 30:43
So Jacob's wealth was greatly increased; he had great flocks and women-servants and men-servants and camels and asses.

Genesis 34:29
And all their wealth and all their little ones and their wives; everything in their houses they took and made them waste.

Job 31:31
If the men of my tent did not say, Who has not had full measure of his meat?

Psalms 57:4
My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword.

Proverbs 13:22
The heritage of the good man is handed down to his children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the upright man.

Proverbs 14:30
A quiet mind is the life of the body, but envy is a disease in the bones.

Titus 3:3
For in the past we were foolish, hard in heart, turned from the true way, servants of evil desires and pleasures, living in bad feeling and envy, hated and hating one another.


Genesis 26:27
And Isaac said to them, Why have you come to me, seeing that in your hate for me you sent me away from you?

John 3:26
And they went to John and said to him, Rabbi, the man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan, the man to whom you gave witness, is now giving baptism, and everyone is going to him.

John 3:27
And this was John's answer: A man is unable to have anything if it is not given to him from heaven.


2 Samuel 15:1
Now after this, Absalom got for himself a carriage and horses, and fifty runners to go before him.

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