Psalms 114:4
The mountains were jumping like goats, and the little hills like lambs.



Psalms 114:4
The mountains were jumping like goats, and the little hills like lambs.


Psalms 114:6
You mountains, why were you jumping like goats, and you little hills like lambs?

Habakkuk 3:10
The mountains saw you and were moved with fear; the clouds were streaming with water: the voice of the deep was sounding; the sun did not come up, and the moon kept still in her place.

Psalms 29:6
He makes them go jumping about like a young ox; Lebanon and Sirion like a young mountain ox.

Exodus 19:18
And all the mountain of Sinai was smoking, for the Lord had come down on it in fire: and the smoke of it went up like the smoke of a great burning; and all the mountain was shaking.

Habakkuk 3:6
From his high place he sent shaking on the earth; he saw and nations were suddenly moved: and the eternal mountains were broken, the unchanging hills were bent down; his ways are eternal.

Nahum 1:5
The mountains are shaking because of him, and the hills flowing away; the earth is falling to bits before him, the world and all who are in it.

Jeremiah 4:24
Looking at the mountains, I saw them shaking, and all the hills were moved about.

Psalms 68:8
The earth was shaking and the heavens were streaming, because God was present; even Sinai itself was moved before God, the God of Israel.

Psalms 77:18
The voice of your thunder went rolling on; the world was flaming with the light of the storm; the earth was shaking.


Judges 5:5
The mountains were shaking before the Lord, before the Lord, the God of Israel.


Exodus 14:21
And when Moses' hand was stretched out over the sea, the Lord with a strong east wind made the sea go back all night, and the waters were parted in two and the sea became dry land.


Judges 5:4
Lord, when you went out from Seir, moving like an army from the field of Edom, the earth was shaking and the heavens were troubled, and the clouds were dropping water.

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